All the bobbins (loaded with thread) should be transferred
to the wooden base of the machine where locators
are provided. |
All the pipes should be threaded with the help of thin steel wire provided. |
Prepare a loop at one end of the wire, insert it from the top end
of the machine (from the upper opening of pipes
from where the molten wax is poured) by bringing ejectors upward
by rotating handle of the machine upto the plate
level. Allow
it to pass through the brass nozzles and steel pipes
till it reaches the wooden bobbins. Now insert the
end of thread in this loop and gently pull the wire upwards / back
till the thread comes out at the top. Take out sufficient
length of thread so that it does not fall back into the pipes. |
When two nearby threads are pulled up they can be tied
/ knotted to each other so that both threads do
not fall down and operator can proceed to thread
other pipes. |
In the above mentioned manner all the pipes should
be threaded. |
After threading all the pipes, bring down the ejectors
back by rotating the handle of the machine in clock-wise
direction. |